segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013

    VERBO               SIGNIFICADO                 TIPO                  Exemplo               

Shop aroundComparar a qualidade e/ou os preçosInseparávelI want to shop around a little before buying my new car.
Show offExibir-seInseparávelHe is showing off because the girl he likes is here.
Show sb/sth<->offMostrar, exibir algo ou alguém pelo qual se tem orgulhoSeparávelShe likes to show off how well she speaks French.
Show upAparecer, chegar a algum lugar.InseparávelShe finally showed up.
Show sb<->upEnvergonhar alguémSeparávelHe showed me up by snoring during the concert.
Sit downSentarInseparávelHe sat down on the bed.
Sleep overDormir uma noite na casa de alguémInseparávelCan I sleep over at my friend's house?
Sort sth<->outOrganizar, resolver um problemaSeparávelWe have sorted out our problems and everything is fine now.
Speak upFalar mais altoInseparávelSpeak up! I can't hear a word you are saying!
Stand backAfastar-se, recuarInseparávelThe police ordered the crowd to stand back.
Stay upFicar acordadoInseparávelI stayed up late yesterday.
Stick to sthContinuar a fazer algoInseparávelShe finds it's impossible to stick to a diet.
Sum up/Sum sth<->upResumirSeparávelCan I just sum up what we've agreed so far?
Switch sth<->offDesligar, apagar algoSeparávelPlease switch the lights off as you leave.
Switch sth<->onLigar, acender algoSeparávelWe heard the news as soon as we switched on the car radio.
Take after sbParecer-se ou comportar-se com algum membro mais velho da famíliaInseparávelI take after my mother. We are both impatient.
Take sth<->apartDesmontar algoSeparávelHe took the car brakes apart and found the problem.
Take sth<->backDevolver algo (em alguma loja), retirar algo que se disseSeparável
I have to take our new TV back because it doesn't work. / OK, I take it all back.
Take offDecolarInseparávelThe plane took off two hours later.
Take sth<->offTirar algo (peça de roupa, sapato, joias, etc.)SeparávelCome in and take your shoes off.
Take sb<->outLevar alguém para sairSeparávelMy grandparents took us out for dinner and a movie.
Take sth<->outTirar algoSeparávelCan you take the garbage out for me?
Take sth<->overAssumir o controle de algo, tomar conta de algoSeparávelA Swedish firm took over the company last year.
Take sth<->upAprender ou começar a fazer algoSeparávelShe took up languages and now she speaks Chinese quite well.
Take up sthOcupar algo (espaço, tempo)InseparávelLooking for a place to live has been taking up all my time recently.
Talk sb into/outConverncer alguém, persuadirSeparávelI didn't want to move abroad but my husband talked me into it.
Tear sth<->upDestruir algo rasgando em pedaçosSeparávelShe tored up all the letter he had sent her.
Tell sb<->offDar bronca em alguémSeparávelThe manager tells you off if you arrive late.
Think back (to sth)Pensar em algo que aconteceu no passadoInseparávelI keep thinking back to day I met him.
Think sth<->overRefletir sobre algo, considerar algoSeparávelI'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision.
Throw sth<->awayJogar algo foraSeparávelWe threw away our old furniture when we won the lottery.
Turn sb/sth<->downRejeitar/Recusar algo ou alguémSeparávelWhy did she turn down your invitation?
Turn sth<->downAbaixar algo (volume), diminuir (luz, calor)SeparávelPlease turn the volume down.
Turn intoTornar-seInseparávelShe wasn't a pretty child but she turned into a beautiful woman.
Turn sth<->offApagar algo (luz), fechar algo (torneira), desligar algo (TV, motor)SeparávelPlease turn the television off before you go to bed.
Turn sth<->onAcender (luz), abrir (torneira), ligar (TV, motor)SeparávelI'll turn on the heating.
Turn over /
Turn sb/sth<->over
Virar, virar-se, virar alguém ou algoSeparávelHe turned over and went back to sleep.
Turn upChegar, aparecerInseparávelOur dog turned up after we put posters up all over the neighbourhood.
Turn sth<->upAumentar (volume, luz, etc.)SeparávelCould you turn the TV up?
Try sth<->onExperimentar algo (roupas, sapatos, etc.)SeparávelTry the shoes on before you by them.
Try sb/sth<->outTestar ou usar algo ou alguémSeparávelThey are trying a new presenter out for the show.
Use sth<->upAcabar algoSeparávelMaking soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.
Wait up for sbEsperar acordado por alguémInseparávelI'll wait up for you.
Wake upFicar mais atento e interessadoInseparávelWake up and listen!
Wake up to sthDar-se conta de algoInseparávelHe hasn't yet woken up to the seriouness of the situation.
Warm upFazer o aquecimento (esporte), esquentar (motor)InseparávelI always warm up by doing situps before I go for a run.
Warm sb/sth<->upFicar mais entusiasmado, fazer algo ou alguém ficar mais animadoSeparávelThe party soon warmed up
Warm sth<->upEsquentar algo (comida)SeparávelYou have to warm the rice up.
Wear offDesaparecer, passarInseparávelThe effects of the drug will soon wear off.
Wear out / wear sth<->outDesgastarSeparável
They are trying to design tyres that do not wear out. / He wore out two pairs of boots during one winter.
Wear sb/yourself<->outEsgotar-se, esgotar alguémSeparávelThe kids have worn me out.
Work outDar certo, exercitar-seInseparável
I work out regularly to keep fit. / Things have worked out quite well for us.
Work sth<->outCalcular; resolver um problema, descobrir a resposta de algo.Separável
He worked out the answer. / They will work out the problem. / I couldn't work out where the music was coming from.
Write sth<->downAnotar algoSeparávelWork on your own and write down the answers to these questions.


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